For all of you asking about who the photographer was that took our family pics here is her information. She is Tawnyas friend and lives up North. She is awesome check out her website.
Give her a call!! She is reasonable and obviously great and creative :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Photographer Info
Posted by curtandheather at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Family Pictures since Bubba is home now....
Posted by curtandheather at 4:34 PM 10 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Its official!
Sorry all I know I have been posting all about nursing school but it has been my LIFE for the past two years and its OVER!! This calls for a huge celebration. Well the first of many parties was kicked off on Saturday with all my class and spouses.There was swimming, good food and alot of laughter. On of my classmates is an awesome photographer and she got all these great shots of us :)
This was the night they gave out the funny awards, our pinning ceremony has to be appropriate awards...I got "The Hostess with the Mostess" with twinkies and a cute decoration for my house. It was so cute!! Thanks guys!!
Our instructors gave us each a plaque with our names on it and then it says registered nurse, we are all holding them up in this pic.
My gorgous instructor. Her gift was her fairy ensomble because she grants us all our wishes and helps them all come true :) Isn't she great!
Erma and Adrienne, I am going to miss these girls. They are hilarious. Adrienne is our mad typer that would type while our instructor gave us reviews so we all didn't have to type or write and Erma is our lovely photographer.
While we did our review Curt took the husbands that were left up flying and they buzzed the house a couple of times :) I think the men will be coming for sure to the next party !
It was so fun, great food and alot of good laughs. I am going to miss all these great people in my life, that is why we have to stay in touch. We have been through so much together and you create such great relationships with them.
Its like starting a new chapter, we are all moving on to jobs and better things but yet we still want to keep in touch. I hope it happens.
Love ya guys:)
Posted by curtandheather at 9:00 AM 6 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wow, Mothers what a great subject to post about. I have so many great examples that I look up to that represent such amazing "Mothers"
My, of course, most favorite mother (no offense to anyone but she did give birth to me :) What an amazing woman. When I think of my Mom I think of selfless, happy, gorgous, spritual, and what a great sense of humor. Mom, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me, the inspiration you have given me and the great shoulder for me to cry on. My Mom is always there to give me encouragement and lifts me up and helps me keep going especially through nursing school, gol what is it about nursing school and breakdowns, SERIOUSLY? Life without you Mom would be miserable. I love our chats on a pretty routine basis and I feel like I can tell you all. I hope to follow in you footsteps some day. Happy Mothers Day, MOM!
My Mom-in-Law, gotta love her. What an example of Christ Like attributes. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and a bad word is never crossing her lips. What a great example to me, I definitely need to work on that.
My sister, what a MOM! She is the mom that raises our nephews and boy do we love her for that. Those boys bring so much joy into our lives and it is all because of their mother. Tawnya, you are amazing and I hope to be half the mom you are. Sis, I look up to you and love you, hope you had a great day!
My Grandma's, the queen's of Love! I love my Grandma's. I have some great examples. Both of my grandmas ( one has passed away) would great me with a kiss and hug and the one living still does and boy do I love it. They always love me for me! Thanks Gram!
My neighbor, Jessica. She is the queen of celebrations. I hope when I am a Mom I have half the creativity as her. She is the Martha Stewart of the block and even I want to go to all the kids partys and get the treat bags and play the games. She is an awesome Mom and her kids love her so much. Thanks for being such a great example Jes, and what an AWESOME friend!!
There are many more women in my life that I look up to and watch and get pointers from of what kind of Mom I want to become and to all you women, some of you know who you are, thanks for the lessons and great examples. I love the mothers in my life!! Thanks for letting me enjoy your kids.
Posted by curtandheather at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Our Anniversary
Posted by curtandheather at 8:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Last EVER Clinical!
Posted by curtandheather at 1:47 PM 10 comments