Tagged by Ashlee J.
Defination of quirk:n.
1. I have to make my bed every morning before I leave the house, or ELSE....
2. I eat every morning oatmeal squares with yogurt, blueberries and raspberries in it. If I don't my day is completely thrown!
3. I lock every door behind me no matter who is coming in behind me, habit or quirk. Sorry Dear!!
4. I have to get a new bath towel for my shower if any one uses it or even touches it, that drives me crazy, actually it grosses me out (slight OCD tendencies.)
5. The toilet paper has be coming out from the top, if not I change no matter who's house it is. (I used to not care but my husband had this quirk and now it drives me crazy)
6. I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle and Curt squeezes it from the end and both of us drive each other crazy with the way we squeeze. Problem solved: we each have our own tube of tooth paste, I have to squeeze it from the middle!!!