Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Dad

Happy Birthday Dad!! Well I think I am going to adopt the Happy Birthday to my loved ones on my blog thing...since now I am even farther away.

Today is my Dads big 54th birthday. What a great day to celebrate...

Things I love about my dad.

#1 The picture above is classic. We are a beach family and our vacations usually consist of beach. And my dad is found out in the sun with a variety of books he is reading, interrupted with some good salsa and chips, virgin margaritas and dips in the ocean :) I can't wait for Cancun in December! I love the example you have set for me on how to vacation!

#2 The LOVE to read! This rubbed off on to me at a very young age and still to this day I crave to read a good book. When I go home I love to see the great things he is reading and learning from his stacks of books.

#3 Great words of WISDOM. My dad seems to always know what to say at the moment I need it. (my mom too :) He has this positive attitude that is hard not to catch and it seems after a talk with him you can conquer the world. I have needed many of these words these past couple of weeks.

#4 One of my new found favorites to do with my dad is ROAD BIKING. A couple of times I have taken my road bike up with me and we go together. We push each other and have good times together. I love riding with my dad :)

#5 HOT TAMALES and POPCORN. Every since I can remember Friday or Saturday we would gather downstairs with some popcorn and hot tamales and big glass of ice water and enjoy a movie. Now we go out to the movies....but still have the same treats. I have many great memories spending time downstairs with some good snacks and a community cup of water :)

I am so glad you are my dad. Thanks for being so great. You example and love mean so much to me and I can't wait to see you this weekend. Have a great birthday :) Here is to MANY more memories and good times!


Johnstun Fam said...

ah, happy birthday to your dad! He really is a great guy! Very easy to love!

Erin said...

Well my parents and little brother think your dad is a one of the coolest guys around!

I remember going to bear lake with you (back in the day!) and we went crusin' in his silver mustang (I think that is what the car was?!)

Good times :)

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FAVORITE UNCLE SCOTTY! One of favorite things about your dad...popcorn and hot tamales, we still carry that tradition in our family too! :) Thanks uncle Scotty!

Candace Thomas said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! I love him too! You guys are the cutest family:)

Unknown said...

you have a lovely family and the best way to express your love towards them. all the best and be in love.